
Everyone makes choices. The question is how do you make them? Do you choose what’s right, what’s easy? I tend to get trapped into making the easy choices. I think that most people tend to get trapped into that line of thought. However, there is more then just right, easy and wrong. There is Good for me. Sometimes whats good for me is spending a day on the couch watching movies. Sometimes it’s going to see the art exhibit that’s a 1/4th of a tank away. Do any of these effect the world? Not by much. However, they effect me.
I’m not talking about the big life choices here. If you’re reading this blog, then you’ve already made the big life choices. Now you’re getting an emergency fund, a start up fund or are farther down the road on the path to Fearless Leader then I am. We kind of get the big choices. But what about the every day choices?

I make choices based on what’s good for me. There needs to be work, play and rest. Without the play, the work will drain you. Without the work, the play becomes work. Without rest, well… nothing will get done. Trying meth isn’t an option. I like my teeth. Don’t forget doing good for others, and not harming them.

Right now, I’m dealing with a chest cold that limits what I can do. No early mornings photographing things. No hikes, or long walks. Just lots of rest and wishing I could breathe easy. I’m ready to be up and doing, and I really want to be active. Hopefully next week. I’d like to at least be recovered enough for a good long walk.


“I’m unworthy of

  • being noticed
  • the stuff I’ve earned
  • the dreams and goals I have
  • fill in blank”

Is there a good way to deal with those feelings? Kinda.

Normally, I go do something with some friends, or my current roommate. (sharing a room sucks). However, sometimes this isn’t an option. So I wait it out. Wait until the feelings aren’t enough to paralyze me. Then I do something, small.  Seeing as I’m the Mighty Minion, I do something small to move that forward. I logged on line to the free zone, then curled up and cried for a while. Then came back online. 

So, the best way to deal is to hang with friends. The second best is to put one foot in front of the other. I don’t know if it will work long term, but it gets more done then drinking the planed on for tonight drinks in the fridge.